When will I receive Orientation information?
You will work closely with your admission officer at Madonna who will provide you
information on orientation once it is available. Generally, information becomes available
a couple months before the semester you are starting at Madonna. Once you register
for an orientation session, detailed information will come with your confirmation
page. Generally, you can expect communications a couple months before the start of
your semester.
Do I have to go to Orientation?
Yes, orientation is a required event that first-year students must attend. It covers
many important areas that you will need to complete prior to starting classes.
What if I live far away or out of state?
We understand that coming from far away for your orientation may not be possible for all. We do encourage you to come if you are able, as there is lodging in the surrounding area that can be a good option. If this is not an option for you, please reach out to fye@baoqiuyue.net describing your situation and we can work together to make sure you complete the needed steps before starting.
What should I wear to Orientation?
Orientation is a casual event – no need to dress up! Please feel free to dress comfortably.
Can I bring parents or guests with me to Orientation?
While guests/parents are not required to come, you are welcome to bring them.
When will I receive my financial aid award package?
The Office of Financial Aid is in the process of processing award packages. If you
have a question about your Financial Aid status, please contact the Office of Financial
Aid and let them know you are an incoming first-year student. Each student is assigned
their own Financial Aid Officer to handle your case. Find out who your officer is
by contacting the office at 734-432-5663 or finaid@baoqiuyue.net.
How many courses should I take?
We recommend first-year students take around 15 cr.(credit hours) per semester, which
translates to about four to five courses. This may not seem like a lot, but college
courses are different than high school classes; they meet for longer amounts of time
and require significantly more work outside of class.
When do I buy my books? How do I know what books to buy?
College is different from high school in the fact that you have to purchase your books
for each course! Madonna utilizes an no-additional cost online, textbook service called
Slingshot. More information on this can be found on your Madonna MyPortal and will
be covered at orientation.
What kind of computer should I have?
Technology Learning Services has a list of recommended specifications for student
Do you have wireless internet on campus?
Wireless internet is available all over campus and in the Residence Halls. It can
be accessed by logging in with the same information you use to log in to your student
email (my.baoqiuyue.net).
Who do I contact if I have other questions?
If you have any questions regarding any aspect of your first year at Madonna University,
you can contact the Office of First-Year Experience at 734-432-5672 or by emailing
How do I stay connected to the Office of First-Year Experience during the summer and when I start at Madonna?
The Office of First-Year Experience is there to support you through orientation and
your entire first year at Madonna. Throughout the year we will be hosting different
events for you to attend and meet fellow first-year students. We recommend following
our Instagram account for up to date information regarding our events and programs!
Follow us at @madonnafye.